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Pourquoi Lionel Messi est-il surnommé "La Pulga"? Le sens de son surnom la "Puce" | Goal com Français

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    Article information

    Author: Michelle Roberts

    Last Updated: 1703501041

    Views: 838

    Rating: 3.7 / 5 (84 voted)

    Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Michelle Roberts

    Birthday: 1949-05-17

    Address: 29329 Sierra Overpass Apt. 101, Deniseshire, MA 63218

    Phone: +4461472231610396

    Job: Robotics Engineer

    Hobby: Chess, Badminton, Video Editing, Robotics, Cooking, Coin Collecting, Snowboarding

    Introduction: My name is Michelle Roberts, I am a strong-willed, multicolored, unguarded, Open, expert, unreserved, daring person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.